


时间,现任中央新影集团总裁助理、副总编辑,老虎机线上-真钱老虎机-网络老虎机 兼职教授。1985年毕业于北京广播学院电视系电视编辑专业,同年进中央电视台专题部。1992年调入新闻采访部。1993年参与创办《东方时空》,并创办中国第一个人物访谈栏目—《东方之子》,任制片人。1995年创办《真实再现》节目,将影像的再现用于纪录片的创作。1996年创办《实话实说》栏目,最早把 TALK SHOW 节目引入中国。1998年任新闻评论部副主任,为《东方时空》、《焦点访谈》、《新闻调查》、《实话实说》总制片人。2000年任《东方时空》工作室总制片人,创办《直播中国》、《媒体链接》、《纪事》、《世界》、《新闻早八点》。2001年任新闻采访部副主任。2002年任社会专题部副主任,并执导大型纪录片《抗战》。2003年推出《为您服务》栏目之《非常调查》节目,并创办《道德观察》栏目。2004年参与创办《社会与法》频道,任法制专题部副主任。


Shi Jian, Documentary Filmmaker,Producer

Shi Jian was born in 1963 at Tianjin, with a background of both of his parents were journalists. Shi Jian was named as Time, meaning a second life of the news world. He has become a significantly important figure in China Central Television since the 1990s.

Shi Jian as a Documentary Filmmaker

He represents fundamental perspectives and histories through making documentaries. His work like “Tiananmen square” and “Graduate” has significantly influenced the younger generation of filmmakers.

In 1991 he organized “Beijing New Documentary Convention”, therefore he created and promoted the Chinese New Documentary Movement to set up a more professional standard for morality and languages in the documentary field. He encouraged the concept of “returning to the reality”. His other important films like “unforgettable”, “Zhou Enlai”; “The Potala Palace”; “the Resistance” and so on, which have had a deep influence on Chinese society. He and his team applied the documentary filmmaking theory into the production of Television Programs, which changed the face of television in China since the1990s.

Shi Jian as a Producer

Every ordinary morning in 1993, for most Chinese, the first thing was to turn on the television and watch the morning program “Oriental Horizon”. Oriental Horizon opened up a space for a television’s reform, and created a daily hobbit for Chinese to watch morning programs, and this was all because of Shi Jian.

Shi Jian has supported a group of intellectually self-expressional presenters like Hu Jian, Wang Zhi, Cui Yongyuan, Bai Yansong, and so on, which had been a revolution. For the 20 years ‘experiences he had created over 20 programs, which contained his creation and wit. His visual languages had become a profoundly meaningful strength to change the society in China.