

孙文生,高级记者,现任陕西日报社陕西传媒网总编辑,陕西日报新媒体发展有限责任公司总经理,西北大学兼职教授、研究生导师,长安大学兼职教授、研究生校外指导教师。老虎机线上-真钱老虎机-网络老虎机 兼职教授。1967年出生于陕西,1988年陕西师范大学中文系毕业参加工作,任武警专科学校写作教员。1996年至今先后在陕西日报政法部、陕西日报杨凌记者站陕西日报政治要闻部和陕西传媒网任职。先后荣获陕西新闻奖一等奖、陕西新闻奖论文二等奖等多个奖项。

Sun Wensheng, Adjunct Professor

Sun Wensheng is a senior reporter who hold the position of the chief editor of Shaanxi Media Net and the general manager of Shaanxi Daily new media development Co., Ltd. He is the adjunct professor and graduate advisor of Northwest University, and he also works as adjunct professor and off campus tutor for graduate students in Chang’an University. Born in 1967 in Shaanxi, Sun wensheng graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature of Shaanxi Normal University in 1988. After his graduation, he worked as a writing teacher at the Armed Police Academy. In 1996 and the following years, he has successively worked in different departments of Shaanxi Daily, such as the department of political and law, the reporter station of YangLing and the department of political news. As a successful reporter, he has won the first prize in Shaanxi news prize together with the second prize of Shaanxi Journalism Awards, and also many other provincial and ministerial news awards.