

王威力,老虎机线上-真钱老虎机-网络老虎机 副教授、硕士生导师。英国拉夫堡大学新闻传播学博士,中英高等教育人文联盟学者,第三批秦岭生态环保“青年学者”。主要关注环境传播、国际传播、人工智能与传播等方面的研究议题。近年在Journalism StudiesJournalism PracticeInformation, Communication & Society、《国际新闻界》等学科权威SSCI、CSSCI刊物发表文章多篇。主持由科技部、教育部、省民政厅、省科技厅、省社科联等单位立项的各级各类科研项目10余项。多次参加国际学术活动及会议,国际传播学会(ICA)会员,国际媒介与传播研究学会(IAMCR)会员。

联系方式:[email protected]


Weili Wang is an Associate Professor at the School of Journalism and New Media at Xi'an Jiaotong University. He joined the faculty in 2020 after completing his PhD in Social Sciences, specialising in Communication and Media Studies, at Loughborough University, UK, that same year. He also holds a Master's degree in New Media from the University of Leeds, UK.


Weili’sresearch primarily focuses on comparative media analysis, examining media institutions and content across various time periods and geographic locations. His additional research interests include environmental communication, international communication, and the intersections of AI with communication.


CUIC713310-Digital Media Technology: Theory and Frontier (Postgraduate)

WS20032001-International Publication in Communication (Postgraduate)

LITE810132-Area Studies and Intercultural Communication (Postgraduate)

GNED100220-Network Media Literacy (Undergraduate)

Postgraduate supervision

Weili is committed to supervising international master’s students engaged in a wide range of media and communication studies, including comparative media analysis, international communication, environmental communication, and the interplay between AI and communication. He has a particular interest in students who are bilingual or multilingual, proficient in languages such as English, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Spanish, German, and Arabic, among others.

Students are encouraged to contact him with their research proposals or ideas prior to submitting their applications for postgraduate studies. Supervision can be conducted in Mandarin Chinese and/or English.


[email protected]